Andrey Petrov — a famous soviet composer — has wrote music for many popular movies, but he didn't make groove mainly. The exceptions are listed here:
andrey petrov - party music 1977.mp3
^^^ (Модный танец) from 1977 movie "An office romance" (Служебный роман). C60-09545-46, 1977.
andrey petrov - vokaliz 1979.mp3
^^^ From 1979 movie "Autumn marathon" (Осенний марафон). The source of the track is unknown.
andrey petrov - osenny marafon 1979.mp3
^^^ From "Autumn marathon" (Осенний марафон). I've cut it from a video file because it's arranged differently (and much better) than the well known versions. Not a groove but a great cinematic composition.